
Ammon Ovis Ltd


About us

Our company specialises in offering the means to expand businesses via increase in sales. 

Commercial growth is the basis of every company’s operation, and the very reason for its existence. In other words, commercial growth reflects a company’s ability to expand according to its specific mission.

However, companies’ entrenchment in the problems of routine administration prevents them from addressing systematically their commercial issues.  Such neglect can result in a continuously reduced market share or a reduced rate of gross profit.

And the fact that these two phenomena can exist even while sales are stable or increasing can fool a company into believing it is successful when this is not actually the case.

For a company of any size, the creation of a management plan is not something which happens by itself.  The combination of everyday routine, lack of specialised personnel and rapid changes in competition is the main cause of an insufficient or lacking management plan.  An external sales strategy constitutes something outside the scope of a company’s general promotional activities; it is more of a mentality which should permeate the entire company structure and be a part of its internal culture.  In any sector in which a company operates, sales should be the origin of profits. ‘Discount’ is neither the most critical success factor, nor the greatest competitive advantage on a long-term basis.

The process and practice of commercial growth is described in detail in the theory of marketing.  According to this theory, sales result from the combined success of all the company’s operations. Our vision, our mission and our values point to our main aim: to achieve greater profit for our customers.

Develop with us the commercial capabilities of your company by the systematic application of a management plan.  Together we will choose the best salespeople and create the best sales strategy for your company.